A few hours of consultancy by someone truly experienced in the field can ensure the success of you project and considerably shorted development time. And then there is the difference between a project result just barely working and a robust, reliable, extensible design. While this will only become visible at the next upgrade of your software, the difference is usually very significant in terms of costs.
On-line consultancy makes it possible to offer my development skills to you world wide without any overhead.
The costs of on-line consultancy are 150 Euros ex. VAT per hour, half of which is paid in advance via PayPall and the other half before the next session. You'll receive a detailed invoice via email and, if you wish, a quotation in advance. (Also see conditions.)
Remote cooperation will make use of suitable technical means, typically Skype with screen sharing for meetings, GitHub for co-authoring of documents and source code, and Travis for continuous integration, augmented by email, phone and Whatsapp. However I will adapt to any means of remote cooperation used in your company.