Coaching on location
An effective way of knowledge transfer is project coaching.
This is based on preparatory contacts and regular assessment over the course of the project, of which the outcome quality is thus lifted to a higher level.
GEATEC's specific contribution to the realisation of a project is:
- Conveying deep and broad experience in software design. Helping developers to reach higher quality levels in practice.
Without exception, they turn out to love this and the concrete rewards are immediately reaped within the project.
- Mobilizing creativity and facilitating cooperation between developers. Through mutual respect, even an problematic start is bended towards a pleasant sequel of achieving something good together.
- Setting the goal that developers in fact would have liked to set themselves initially, but seemed unattainable. Subsequently dividing the path towards this goal into manageable steps. Advise and assist during these steps, while the courage and enthusiasm of those involved grow with every step.
- Solving tough technical bottlenecks in collaboration with the project's participants.
Does the above match what's needed in your current projects?
Be informed on a non-committal basis and to the point!